Friday, 6 January 2017

Introducing: A Poem A Day.

Well.  I'm setting myself the task of writing a poem a day.  For a month.  Then I'll re-evaluate.

Posting very raw poems here will be a challenge in itself.  I always need to tweak and test, then let them rest, and come back and tweak again.  Which is, I think, the way to write accomplished poetry. BUT - my problem is that life, and perfectionism, have completely stolen my voice, and I haven't been writing at all.

So - here's to bravery, and finding the creative voice within, and just getting it out there.  Here's to rough first drafts and mistakes and honesty.  And if you're curious enough to follow along, I'll be posting it here.

Watch. This. Space...


  1. Good on you Kerry. Look forward to reading the results :)

  2. "here's to bravery, and finding the creative voice within, and just getting it out there." YESSSS! Thanks Kerry for the inspiration and the courage! I'm just home from a festival weekend so hope to give it a go myself. Can't wait to read your poems now woohoo :-) Gabe x


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